lying and cheating people for deposiit

Tony Submitted this review about EZ Auto Carrier Inc.
Review made Live: 4/19/2011 12:39:00 AM
On January, 14,2011 I booked a pick up of my vehicle to be picked up within 7 days. I waited for 2 weeks and called to see what was going on, Josephina Hernandez sweet talked me and promised me that the car would be picked up not to worry. Josephina claiming she was a christian and she was honest and just a bunch of promises that was never kept. In march,1,2011 finally I told Josephina that i wanted to cancel the order because i have waited way to long. Josephina told me that my money would be refunded within a few days, After 2 weeks I called to see what happened with my $100.00 deposit and she responded in a E-Mail stating that my deposit was non-refundable because I double booked, Her knowing that I had cancelled prior to booking with another outfit. Josephina did not cancel my order and kept my deposit or maybe she just used that excuse to not give me my deposit. She tries to make you feel like every other transport company is going to cheat you, but all along she is the one that is not honest. I will never recomend EZ auto inc. to anyone. After 46 days of waiting for my vehicle ,I should have been refunded my deposit without any questions.Josephina is not at all what she pretends to be and very dis-honest. The money is not the issue it is more of what they do to honest people that trust and beleive in them.

Company Response
Josefina Hernandez from EZ Auto Carrier Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/23/2011 6:41:00 PM
EZ Auto Carrier,Inc., did not refund this customer's money because he double booked his auto shipping with another company, before he canceled his order with us. Our terms & condition are very clear, and are posted for the general public. We ask Tony that if, he email us proof that he did not book with another carrier before he had cancel his order with us we would provide him with a refund. He emailed us the booking statement from another shipping company, that actually confirmed that he indeed double booked. His excuse was that he had booked only 30mins before cancelling with us, which was not the case. Our record show the fact in this case and this customer breached our terms and conditions. Our agent Josefina is a very nice person that is working hard to make a living just like you Tony! She is honest and worked very hard to find you a trucker. The other broker was also unable to find Tony a trucker because Josefina was telling you the truth. There were NO trucker's in route into the state. Our agent, Josefina was nice enough to suggest that we issue Tony a refund anyway, which we are considering , but not, before he makes it right and writes a truthful review and offer an apology to Josefina from making that defamatory statement!