Customer service was not up to par

Mr. Anderson Submitted this review about E Z Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 4/20/2012 7:17:00 PM
Hi orignally went with this company because they promised me a pickup within 48hours which i asked the gentleman numerous times if it were possible and he reluctantly replied that it would not be a problem.. Friday rolls , 48 hours later ,around 5pm and no phone call for the entire day, I try calling there business for a hour straight and nothing is going through, as if they were ignoring me.. Finally i email them and ask what is going on and get a respinse saying that it will be picked up in 3 days time, again you couldnt call me??? moral of the story is if you are going to promise a customer 48hr service, especially because i paid 150 extra, i think you should sincerely mean it other than worring about getting my money cause in the end i canceled service with them and am now having my vehicle picked up on the same day.. Just be aware these companies are only worried about money they could care less about your well being .. welcome to the new world