Horse Transport Company Abuses 7 week old puppy

G Cook Submitted this review about Double L Horse Transport
Review made Live: 11/3/2012 5:48:00 AM
A client of mine bought 2 horses and a beautiful purebred red heeler puppy from me. The haulers told the buyer that they would carry the puppy in their truck from Arkansas where I am to New York where she is. They were suposed to drive straight through and pick up no other animals. I told her I was concerned about that but they assured her they would have the puppy with them the entire time. They picked the puppy up at 9 a.m. on 11-2-2012 and put him in the storage compartment of the horse trailer and pulled out. I send food with the puppy and he was in a carrier with his baby blanket. I was called by a vet clicc at 3:30 a.m. on 11-3-2012 in Missorui that the haulers had taken the puppy in there. They told the clicnic they had had the puppy for 3 hours and had checked on him an hour ago and he was unresponsive. He had been locked in the storage compartment of that trailer for 18 hours in the dark with no water. The vet initally told me that he had head tramam and they were going to put him to sleep. They lied to the clicnic about how long hey had had him, it was 90 here yesturday, I can only imagine how hot it got locked inside that metal horse trailer all day in the dark what a horrible way to be tortured to death. Don't forget the name Double L Horse Transport, never use them.