Poor communication and late transport

Kelle Submitted this review about Door to Door Transport
Review made Live: 11/17/2012 11:37:00 AM
When talking to Roy, he was pleasant, stated good price, family owned business, use their own trucks, spoke against using brokers, driver would communicate 2days, 1day and the day of transport, and that transport would be in 5-8d from pick up. Sounded amazing $115 deposit and then receiver would pay balance of $850...BUT it was not! Our car was scheduled for pickup 10-24-12, but after waiting all day I finally called the number given for driver and got N/A and then another call got a difficult to understand foriegn speaking woman and they said couldnt get it today, tomorrow afternoon. Ok, waited all day the next day and finally came after 4pm. Yea, the car is on its way 5-8d for delivery so it should arrive Oct 31-Nov 3. No communication from anyone during this time, no car, no anything...called and left message w Anthony "will call dispatcher to call you". No communication beyond me calling. Called Nov 5th, spoke c Roy, "they should have called; I will call them, they are in TN and will be there tomorrow"...no communication. Called 6th, spoke w Roy "checking w dispatche" (first I discovered they had brokered out my car", then broker dispatcher called during call w Roy stating it would be 2 more days, then called again and got Anthony...rude person; requested Roy to return my call in AM. No call, so I finally called and got Roy and I requested a discount related to poor service and late delivery; $100 less at delivery and he would contact accounting to see about some refund on deposit - ok better than nothing. Car was finally received Nov 8th and the driver was paid $750. Yea, the only good thing in this experience. Then on the 10th I was looking over my visa statement and saw they charged my card $165 not $115! I thought the nightmare was over, but no I get Anthony on the phone who continued to interupt and not treat me as all like a valued customer and the just of the conversation was that they chose to charge us the odd amt so driver could get even $$ without any word to us. He states you should have gotten an email confirming this, which we didn't, and then he emailed it right then. I was so frustrated I hung up! Next day I get another guy ?J, who listens to the whole story and states I understand how frustrating this is to you and rightly so; let me transfer you to Janine our business manager. I get a message machine. Left message requesting a return call...as of today 11-17-12 I have recieved no return call. I am very frustrated with this situation; the driver got a bonus $50 (was to get $700 because of discount) and we were charged extra for deposit and no refund in addition to everything else!