... not bad

Danny Submitted this review about Domestic Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/15/2009 12:02:00 AM
They provided low quote at first but was unable to find a trucker at that price. Considerring their expertize in this field, they should really not provide low quote just to attract customers... I had to wait 2 weeks more (total 3-4 weeks.) . They finally found me a trucker untill I agreed to increase payment to trucker. Overall service is not bad, but should've told me to increase payment MUCH EARLIER... Also, I was not contacted during those two weeks. I had to call them to make sure they still care my case... This is my 2nd time to ship a car. The first time finished within a week with no problem. Both cars for 1st and 2nd time go from same origin to same destination. This 2nd experience is for sure not that gud. But they finally made it . So I guess i should give them above average rating. If you really want your car moved, Don't trust those lowest quotes...