MY experience with Domestic Auto

celia Submitted this review about Domestic Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/17/2008 6:18:00 AM
MY experience with Domestic Auto was very unprofessional. I was not told the truth from the beginning. I was quoted a lower price then I actually paid. I put my order in July, the delivery date had to be on or before Sept 4. About August 20, I called Domestic extremely annoyed that I wasnt contacted by anyone to inform me of the staus of my vehicle. After a very unpleasant conversation with the sales person, I finally got a trucker to transport my car. I paid several hundred dollars more then my original quote, but at that point I was desperate and paid the higher fee. I was told my original quote was to low, what I found strange about that was, your sister company gave me the same quote.
So, as far aas I am concerned Domestic gives you a low quote and at the end raises it, when they know you have no other choice but to pay the higher price.