The move went well. There was a little snag though. I was shipping a car from Los Angeles to San Antonio. AAA contracted out to GoRapid Auto Transport . AAA implied that if I made reservation a month in advance it was a good bet the move would take place the day I requested which was the 11th of the month. I played it safe and made the reservation 2 days prior to the last day I that I could ship the car without causing problems which was the 13th of the month. I was moving out of state and the movers were coming that day. A week or so before the shipping date I got a comformation call from GoRapid transport saying they would be picking up cars in my area the 11th 12th and 13th. To make a long story short Go Rapid didn't get there until the 14th. Since I was planning to be half way to Texas by then that was a problem. There was easy communication with GoRapid and they gave me a few options. The one I chose was to give the keys of my car to a neighbor and GoRapid would get the car from my neighbor. Everything went well after that. The car arrived in San Antonio 17th with no problems. My advice is that if you have a drop dead date make sure you make the reservation for 4 or 5 days in advance of that date. Other than the snag at the beginning everything went just fine.
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