I agreed to ship my car with this company and put down a $200 deposit on a $1150 trip. After a week of the car not being picked up, I called and the company was not helpful and did not explain the delay. This delay caused a lot of problems for me because my family was traveling and would not be at both locations. We had to get friends and neighbors involved. After 2.5 weeks of the car not being picked up, the company offered an additional $50 to the driver. It still didn't move. I kept calling and they kept saying "any day now" and that there wasn't a problem. They started getting very snippy and rude on the phone. After 3 weeks, I told them I needed to have the car delivered and ordered them to raise the price by $150 just to get the car moved. It still did not move.
I ended up contacting another car company, Ship Your Car Now. They literally had the car picked up 2 hours after I signed the contract with them.
Direct Auto Express held my deposit money for a total of 6 weeks. I had to call three times to get the refund. I have finally received the money but the whole experience was awful. I would not recommend this company.
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Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
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