Company Response
Mike Rupers from
Direct Express Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/5/2015 10:42:00 AM
Hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers speak for itself. We are sorry that customer Sunyoung Park is dissatisfied but she actually received the fast, Expedited service for which she anticipated. Here's how: Sunyoung made her vehicle available 8/23 and paid $75 extra hoping to get it Assigned by 8/27, our non-guaranteed but statistically probable four day shorter window. Guess what? We assigned Ms. Park's vehicle on 8/19! Yep - that's 8 days sooner than the outside assignment window. Oh my that's so very good. Sunyoung Park's vehicle was scheduled then to be picked up on 8/25 in Irvine and delivered 8/31 in Loch Alpine. Remember she only made it available 8/23. Folks that is spectacular service that Ms. Park is simply unaware. Hopefully we come through for you the same way but of course cannot guarantee it. We wish Ms. Sun Park lots of luck in Michigan.