Doesn't care

Jim Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 8/27/2010 11:06:00 PM
These guys are just like any other car transport company. They should use a new motto: "We'll get your car there when we feel like it and it's convenient for us - after all, we do have YOUR car so we know you can't do anything about it." (or can you?) These companies use their poor customer service agents as human shields! I feel sorry for the people who work for the company and have to answer the phone, trying to calm customers down. Terri has nerves of steel and was the best experience I had with the company. Always kept me up to date, tried her best to help me, freely called me with updates on the status of my car...Wow. You know, if the company wasn't screwing their customers, she wouldn't have to do this. Anyway, all these car transport companies are just a bunch of shysters looking to make a buck when it's convenient for them. I've purchased my last 3 cars off the internet and relied on these "fly by night" companies to deliver. The next time I will fly and drive my car back - hell, I'd even walk to wherever my car is and drive it back. This time I even paid extra for a "guaranteed delivery date". Yeah, right. So 7 days AFTER the guaranteed delivery date, I'm going to pick my car up at the "terminal" You know, if you own a car that another person has guaranteed to deliver on "X" date, and they don't - isn't that depriving you of your right to use your property? You’d figure there would be a law against that or something, huh? Maybe there is. My Advice: I believe the better option is to just not use these companies and move your own damn car. Put em all out of business.