Robert G. Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 12/23/2009 5:44:00 PM
Initially, having minimal but some experience in vehicles being transported, I try to take what I am told by a companies spokespeople for face value, and simply don't take unpleasant surprises very well. I try to be thorough in both, asking questions of the representives and making what I expect/prefer, for them, as clear as possible. These are the standards under which I choose with whom I will spend my money with, and as well, trust my beloved toys with.

Now, as for my experience with DAS,...I believe it is important to mention that they were the second company I chose to work with, after finring the first company, due to their not even picking the vehicle up at all, after 15 days,...therefore my customer agreement with that company allowed me to fire them. Both the first company and DAS were introduced to me, by way of being part of the "shipping" information, on the EBAY auction site, in which I bought the vehicle I needed transported. So, sharing with my DAS representitive, the experience I had just gone through with the first company, I was confident that Brad and I had a good understanding of what would take place. To cut to the chase, which I will go into more detail in just a moment, I wold like to say that in the end, when my vehicle was finally delivered, it was only 2 days after the original estimated delivery date, and it was without physical damage,...although at the admission of the final DAS driver, the vehicle was TOO DIRTY to provide final inspection, and he/she stated so in writing. Add to that, that the vehicle was delivered to me at approximately 12 midnight, and I absolutely agreed with the DAS driver, in that it was too dirty to begin to inspect for damage,...so, there was a certain degree of "risk" i felt, in that I had to accept the vehicle in that condition, chancing that if there were physical damage after giving it a bath, to see what color it was underneith, how would DAS handle such a problem. As mentioned above, I felt very glad to not find physical damage, even though there was a substantial amount of various engine/auto fluids from apparently vehicles stacked above mine, that had dripped over the hood and top of my vehicle,.....all of which I was able to "rub out with various chemicals".

Finally, insofar as any complaint or dissatisfaction I can share is in two catagories. The first was that, based on my initial interview I had with DAS, prior to hiring them, I believe I was allowed to believe that once the vehicle was finally on the actual DAS transport truck, that it would be on a direct path to the final destination,.....all of which was considered when I was given an estimated ETA. I had relayed concern of the fact that most damage, if any, is caused by the loading and unloading process, from the actual transport vehicle. I am certain that I even made specific referrance to there being four different times my vehicle vehicle would be loaded/unloaded, before reaching final destination. I would like to mention that I do like the ability to track the transport process, online, or by phone. Although for me, that feature caused what I call the "watched pot" syndrome. The vehicle was picked up on 12/1 by a private local tow company, that DAS uses, to pick up the vehicle and take it to the nearest DAS warehouse, which was Greensboro, NC. Knowing the original estimated arrival date was 12/14, I used the tracking online method, on 12/6, only to find it was still in Greensboro, NC. On 12/8, I called Brad directly, only to be told that it should have left North Carrolina on 12/7. The online ETA was bumped up to 12/15. No problem, so I begin to see activity with tracking movement, except that on the evening of 12/10, I see at approx 7Pm the same 12/15,...but later that same evening, the ETA was changed to 12/18. The next morning, 12/11, I called Brad to ask what had happened, which he responded with him looking into the situation and calling me later in the day. That same evening, Brad had not called, and his outgoing message on his phone, stated that he was going to be away, unable to be reached by pnone until 12/14. During the 12/12 and 12/13 time, I see by the unline tracking that the transport truck is now going approximately 300 miles due south, somewhere in PO-Dunk Texas. Now, trying to phone customer service, and realizing that the "telephone ETA", states the 12/17 time frame, not the online 12/18. Then, upon speaking with a live customer rep, I am told the delivery is 12/15. By 12/14, the original delivery date, I see physical movement back in the proper direction, and start to feel that it may be on time again, and that they may have needed to pick up anothe vehicle when chagning directions in texas. However, later on 12/14, at a point where they are only 100 miles from Las Vegas, (final destination),...instead of heading north to Vegas, in Kingmen, AZ.,,,,they head west to Las Angsles, CA. On 12/14 and 12/15, the destination did not change, which was Gardena, CA. Trying to get firm answers was difficult at best,...and ultimately incorrect. It was during those two days that I found out that it is normal for DAS trucks to load and unload the vehicles they are transporting, and then re-loaded onto another transport, heading in another direction. Simply put, they need to have enough vehicles to go to a certain destination,....before they can justify going there. In the meantime, your vehicle will sit in a terminal lot, until it is finally time to move it, along with others. By the evening of 12/15 and morning of 12/16, I started being somewhat a "pill", as customer's go, and it was the pressure I applied on the "mom and pop" loacl towing company, that DAS works with in the Las Vegas area, that prompted my vehicle arriving so late, on 12/16. The owner of that small tow company said that it was either late, late 12/16,..which is the day DAS arrived in Nevada, or they could not being it to me until 12/18. By that time, I was wanting the whole ordeal over.

So in closing, I'm not sure there are better circustances available, when dealing with transport companits,....unless of course you are paying two to three time the cost, to have a single closed in carrier, transport ONLY your vehicle. One job, one vehicle,.....equals BIG BUCKS.