They Suck

lisa white Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 4/20/2009 5:23:00 PM
Let me just tell you they suck- picked it up on the day it was suppose, however so far it has set in the terminal for 14 days- Guarantees- none- they suck, customer service acts like they haveno power or ability to help you and apparently there is not a higher power. they lie to get your business and leave you hanging. numerous times we were told they would call us back- lie- they suck amd ebay should rid them- that is where we found them at, we felt confident that since ebay backed them then they were reputable- they are not- it would have been faster and cheaper to have flown out and drove it home- and a lot less stressful

Company Response
J Krueger from Dependable Auto Shippers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/28/2009 10:48:00 AM
DAS has researched this move and apologizes for any inconvenience that Ms. White encountered. As we have explained elsewhere on this site, our standard shipping does not offer a guaranteed transit time. The transit time is estimated. While we do offer both guaranteed transit time and expedited transit time options, Ms. White declined purchasing those options.