Shipment from South Carolina to New Mexico

R_McLain Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 8/24/2008 2:00:00 PM
I was looking for a transport company to ship my 1999 Mercedes to student daughter in New Mexico. I got multiple quotes ranging from $1350 to $720. After reading many reviews, I chose DAS who had the low quote. I particularly did not want to use a broker or third party. After adding full insurance and waiver of deductable, the cost was $850 for terminal to terminal service. I dropped car off at area body shop in SC (secure area), car was picked up one week later from that location and delivered to terminal in New Mexico without problem within 1 day of estimated delivery date originally given. Pickup was smooth (you are given 5 days to pick up without extra fees). Car was in good condition. I would use DAS again, they seemed quite professional and a good value.