TOO early and we got to pay EXTRA storage fee

Mindy Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Shippers
Review made Live: 8/19/2008 2:19:00 PM
We are shipping the car from MA to CA. They told us it took about 14-16 business days.

We drop off the car on 8/9/2008 and estimated arrival day is 8/25/2008. It's 11 business days or 16 total days.

Today, 8/19/2008, we received phone call to tell us that we can pick up the car. It arrived 5 business days or 7 days early.

We wont' be in CA till next Friday, 8/29/08.

They can only hold up the car for 5 days, counting from arriving day, 8/19/2008.

That means we have to start paying extra storage fee per day of $20. It will be at least 7 days before we can pick up the car....that mean extra 140 for shipping the car.

I called them, they told me that it's in the contract that it can be early or late. Yet...but it's away too early...Then what is the ESTIMATE for......They should have guildline of estimate ..and who will be in charge of the fee if it falls in certain situation.

If we have know the car will arrive this early, I'll drop the car at least 3-5 days later....

--XXXCommon for DAS:
XXXCustomer service is not bad but holding time is LONG.
XXXAlso if you called at around closing time and is in the holding line, don't wait..cuze if no one pick up and the phone system won't tell you that they husband did hold up for 30 mins
XXXThe estimate process seems not working this case as what they told me the car can be early or what if it's late for 30 days for any reason they give to us..will they in charege of our renting cost...
Estimate system should get more clear and specific..NOT just say can be early or late...there should be some certain days range you can expect from the estimate day... OR just don't do the estimate day....