only one minor issue

Melissa Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Movers
Review made Live: 10/29/2008 6:40:00 PM
I decided to go with Dependable Auto because the price was good and they had great reviews. My car was scheduled to be picked up from Florida on a Saturday but wasn't until Tuesday. It arrived in Nevada five days later. Dependable Auto sent me an e-mail with the information on how to pay, either caheir's check or cash. I decided to go with cashier's check but when the guy dropped off my car he said he only accepted cash or compay check. Mind you it was Sunday so it was quite a mission to find $800 in cash. Besides the payment issue my experience was good, the car was in good conditions and everything was as I left it. I would definitely use the company again. The only thing I would do different is ask the company dropping off my car how they accept payment.