
keith t. stoe Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Movers
Review made Live: 7/27/2008 3:42:00 PM
On their web site it states your vehicle will not be left in a storage yard, mine was. It also states the vehicle will be delivered door to door, mine was not. I had to drive to the moving company's storage facility to pick up my vehicle. They said their trailer was in need of repair and they unloaded my vehicle without me being present. There was damage to my vehicle. The delivery company has been unresponsive to assisting me in getting my vehicle repaired. I feel since Dependable make all the claims on their web site vouching for these delivery companies, if they are unresponsive, the burden should fall on dependable. I would warn against using this company, because if something goes wrong you are on your own!

Company Response
Sarah from Dependable Auto Movers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/29/2008 12:53:00 PM
First off, let me say that we are very sorry for the inconvenience to our customer. We have been in contact with this customer, the trucking company and their insurance company to try to get this resolved. We never leave our customer high and dry. We provide the trucking company's information to the owner of the vehicle and that is the first step in the process of a claim. If they are not taken care of, then we get involved at that point. We have requested an estimate for the repair and had not heard back from the customer for a few weeks, so we assumed that all had been taken care of. Each trucking company signs a contract with us saying that they won't utilize terminals or storage yards, and door-to-door delivery means they will get as close to the pickup & delivery points as possible. The trailer needing mechanical repair was something that was unforeseen and the customer chose to go retrieve his vehicle. Vehicles are offloaded at least once during the transport to rearrange the vehicles for delivery, so offloading without the customer being present is a common practice in this industry. The damage was noted on the inspection report and although it can be a lengthy claims process, it is underway. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.