dependable auto movers

Jessica Submitted this review about Dependable Auto Movers
Review made Live: 11/3/2007 7:35:00 AM
The car was picked up the same day I booked because I put that as my first available day. I only had about 30 minutes notice so things were a little crazy in the beginning. The driver was polite. I was worried that my daughter who is in college and has classes and exams would not be able to have such a narrow window of time to work in. He assured me that it would not be a problem. The car was supposed to arrive around Monday, but arrived the Friday before which to me is not "on or around Monday". My daughther had enough notice to find someone to go meet the driver at an exit off the interstate near her school while she had class. It wasn't ideal, but it all worked out. The hardest part is the arranging things quickly and not really knowing the time frame, but it seems to be an issue with many of the transport and this company was quick, responsible and polite at least.