I Can't Say Enough

Boris Jones Submitted this review about Dealers Choice Auto Transport
Review made Live: 1/16/2013 4:07:00 AM
I can’t say enough great comments that will fully describe the service provide by Dealers Choice Auto Transport 561-578-4589 or 561-686-5225. This company is above exceptional. I have used their service not one but three times. But it’s this last time that leaves me speechless and beyond grateful. My son was being kicked out of his home just prior to Christmas and I did not have the money to buy a plane ticket for him to return home and ship his car, so of course I brought his ticket so he could be home with his family for Christmas. Still I needed to get his car to the other side of the states after he was already gone. My next payday was not until after Christmas still I called Dealers Choice Auto Transport to set up a pick up date. I explained things to Mrs Beth Feldman the kind lady who answered the phone whom I have dealt with before and asked if I could schedule the pick up on my pay day. She asked me when would the car be available for pick up which I told her it already was. To make my story short she not only had my car son car picked up but she had it delivered in only a couple of days. We were completely unaware. My kids looked out the window on Christmas day and saw my son car neatly placed on the car porch backed in undamaged as if it was magic. No one knocked on the door no one called us asking for the money. The only call I got was from my wife calling me here in Afghanistan saying did you know Zia car was here. I had to call them after payday asking them when will they charge my card. They gave me some days after payday to ensure I had the money and never once called me for it. It was like a magical Christmas moment. When I say I proudly recommend this company this recommendation does not come lightly or without merit. 21 years of military service and now an overseas contractor always away from home, it brings great comfort to know that there is still companies out there that truly and sincerely cares about the customer. Dealers Choice Auto Transport should also be your choice. They are truly the greatest and from the bottom of my heart I thank them.