Horrible Horrible Horrible, thats still and understatement!

Annoyed Submitted this review about Dash Auto Movers Network Corp
Review made Live: 6/14/2007 12:16:00 PM
Absolutely horrible customer service, no one ever picks up the phone. The only people who answers the phones are the one in sales!!! Go figure, they want your money and then dont call you or email you EVER!!! I got a fair rate to move two of my cars and its been over 5 weeks and no email, no call, only empty promises. The supervisor, Steven Map even promised me a date that the truck would pick up the vehicles and its been 2 weeks since that conversation. They have NOT refunded my money, its been over 5 weeks now. The salesperson, Gilbert is great on the phone BEFORE he gets your credit card number and then he does NOT want to talk to you or return your phone calls. The tone of his voice even changed. DO NOT do business with these cheaters!!!