Chicago to California

Sara G Submitted this review about DNA Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 5/28/2018 11:31:00 AM
Had a horrible experience with this company. Took my car 9 days to arrive and was told it was California for 6 days ( sitting) before delivered. The original driver was not the one who delivered the car . The car was delivered after 11 pm when the car was finally delivered after countless telephone calls to Eileen. I felt like there was zero communication between the driver, dispatcher, and DNA. and we were left in the dark about the TRUE situation of the car.

Company Response
Dominick Nuzzi from DNA Auto Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/29/2018 1:17:00 PM
Hi Sara This is the 3rd time we are doing business together always had a good relationship. But after reading your comments that DNA did such a horrible job kinda of offends me. When you show DNA had your car to be picked up early. That's not so horrible. lol Sara the Norm for 2000 miles transport is 6-9 days depending on how many more pick ups for the driver! The driver told you that he thinks he will make to CA in 6 days. (Mistake)Then he had issues with the truck had that was fix on top of that bad weather came in, And your calling 100 times threatening, yelling and Eileen listened and tried to do what she can to make you happy and it was never enough for you. Then the driver just wanted to deliver your car at this point so with your approval drops off 11 pm and your still screaming. lol And why are you taking your hanger out on DNA?? With your own words we did everything you asked of us. lol But the customer is always right! I just want to tell you good luck and have a nice day and don't let minor thing like this get you so upset. ( Not Healthy) Everything works out! Thank you Dominick Office Manager