Was afraid to get burned again!

Elizabeth Submitted this review about Cross Country Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/24/2009 11:36:00 AM
I had attempted to have my vehicle brought to Utah once before through an auto transport service, they just took my money and never showed up to get the vehicle. I was so scared to try again but needed to get the car out here. I had many email and phone conversations with Beth and she was great. Cross Country gave me all the facts of transporting and they were honest about everything. They had no problem providing me with any and all documentation I was concerned with such as insurance or business license. I honestly can not say enough good things about Cross Country and Beth. I was provided with the drivers cell phone number and able to make contact with him for any updates, he was very good about calling and giving me a heads up on his arrival time and he was there when he said he would be.