Failed customer service

Michael Walker Submitted this review about Cross Country Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/13/2008 12:59:00 PM
On May 28, 2008, I contracted to move the car from California to Florida. Quoted price was $100 deposit and $850 to be paid to the driver upon delivery, $950 total.

As of June 14, 2008, the car was still not picked up. I drove to the Cross Country Auto Transport to meet personally with Tom Henderson. The office door was locked and I was not allowed in the office. An employee who identified herself as Debbie (customer service) was smoking a cigarette outside of the building. We discussed problems they were having with getting drivers to pick up cars in California because of escalating fuel prices. I asked Debbie if the price to move the car needed to be adjusted upwards to get a driver to pick up the car. She thought that was a good idea and I offered to up the bid to move the car by $200 XXXa new total of $1150 (including the original deposit of $100).

Another two weeks elapsed (it was then at the end of June 2008) and still the car had not been picked up. By this time, I had incurred $375 in storage charges for my car while it remained in a tow yard in California awaiting pickup. Multiple phone calls and messages were left requesting information from Cross Country Auto Transport XXXnone were returned. Emails also went unreturned.

It was impossible to contact anyone there because after June 14, 2008, no actual person ever answered the phone or returned my phone calls. On June 30, 2008, I made a second trip to their offices in Davie, Florida and no one answered my knock on the door.

The company kept my deposit and is using a clause in their contract that I needed to cancel within 7 days of entering the contract. They then made it impossible to comply with cancellation policies by dragging out the pick up dates and failing to return phone calls and emails, and stonewalling me when I went to their company office.

I do not recommend this company.

Company Response
Luis Molina from Cross Country Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/13/2008 1:28:00 PM
As stated prior Mr. Walker, You came to our office we spoke to you, you even willingly agreed upon to increase your c.o.d, to entice another hauler to pick up your vehicle. I dont understand why you would leave such a negative review of our company. We never hid from you we were always here for you. In conclusion as you and many others are aware over the summer fuel spiked the highest in California causing a major delay on all California orders, Not just you but everyone is effected by this. Your vehicle was transported we are sorry you had to incurr a fuel surcharge but you did agree to this. Should you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us directly.