Guilt only a Mother could give

Mike Submitted this review about Cosmos Auto Inc.
Review made Live: 11/19/2008 10:26:00 PM
Cosmos came back as my most competitive quote for shipping my vehicle cross-country. However, they were only rated a three-star company, so I sought out a shipper with more expertise.

I like to be proactive and polite about things. Instead of just letting the quote hang out there, I replied to Cosmos. While they had a great price, I was going with a 5-star company for $60 more. Cosmin's reply was "This must be an old quote because prices are a lot lower now due to the drastic decrease in fuel prices." Are you being serious? He quoted me exactly one week ago.

I would never be motivated by guilt. That action reassurred me that my choice of carriers was a good one. Maybe next time Cosmin, but only if I want to feel bad about the experience.

Company Response
Cosmos Auto Inc from Cosmos Auto Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/20/2008 6:51:00 PM
Actually the quote was received 3 weeks ago and the prices are lower now because the fuel has come down more than $1 a gallon in the meantime. When I told Mike (Mick Malone, 310-750-0809) that the prices are lower, his emailed response was "Thanks, maybe next time". Something must have happened in the meantime with the other company. This person has never placed an order with us nor has ever even spoken to us on the phone. It apears he now feels that he paid too much for the transport (rightfully so ) with the extra money being pocketed by the other broker. Our prices are very competitive because our profit is lower, making it up in volume.