
Nina Submitted this review about Coastal Auto Transport Co. (INACTIVE)
Review made Live: 12/21/2009 12:32:00 AM
This company is much better than Around the Globe where I was scammed for a deposit fee. In the future, I would recommend to do research and contact the auto transporter company its self than going through a BROKER where they DON'T do anything but find you a company to transport your vehicle and charged you a fee for it. Coastal Auto Transporter found me the actual transporting company, the Puzzle Auto Transporter to transport my car. Puzzle Auto Transporter promised me their best driver to deliver my car after hearing what Around the Globe did to me. However, their best driver, Albert, turned out to be a complete jerk who has poor manner and customer service. He was 4 hours late to pick up the car and 2 hours late to drop of the car. Never once apologize but blaming his tardiness on something else..saying that he is not a fed ex company, can't always be on time. I wonder if this is his job and this is all he does and he can't estimate a timely arrival time, then what is he good for? He was rude, yelling and using profanity toward the customer. He threatened to impound my car when I refused to pay a head for a service that I haven't received (learning a lesson from Around the Globe). He was verbally aggressive toward my boyfriend and me where we had to call for a civilian police office on standby so he would drop of my car. If this is their best driver, then I am very afraid for their avg driver. Gregg, on the other hand, did not help the matter. He was nice in the beginning where he tried to earn my business and then, it is all about the money afterward. Their service is avg, took a lot of my time dealing with the driver. I have no good or bad advices toward both companies but if you decide to go with these two companies, AVOID their best driver, ALBERT!!!