500 Marquette Avenue NW
Albuquerque NM, 87102
Many different factors go into moving a vehicle which include; location, fuel pricing, vehicle type, transport type (open vs. enclosed), transport date (today vs. two weeks from now) and seasons (snow on the ground) to name a few big ones. We are reviewing your quote request and will be emailing you an accurate and precise quote to move your vehicle after we price it by hand. Most brokers use machines to instantly calculate and those qotes are often unrealistic.
*** You might have noticed that you have become quite "popular" and you are recieving many quotes, emails, calls & texts from many brokers. It is known among us brokers that you are looking for carrier who owns trucks, not a broker. Who likes a middle-man? For that reason many brokers will mislead you and make it sound like they own trucks, which is not true. Never give anyone in my industry your credit card until your vehicle is on the rig/truck and on its way to the destination.
Know that anyone asking you for a credit card is certainly a broker. No broker needs the full addresses to price your quote. Do not give the addresses of origin and destination to any shipper until you are ready to contract with them.
Carriers that do own trucks do not accept credit cards and do not get "deposits" and are NOT paid up-front. Carriers that do own trucks are paid COD or Cash on Delivery when they deliver your vehicle to the destination.
The best way to screen the multitude of brokers contacting you is to look each one up on TransportReviews.com - First off: you can see if they are a licensed broker or carrier.
Most importantly click on the purple button on the right for each broker "Customer Complaints". You certainly want to know if this broker has pages of horror stories with previous unhappy customers who are trying to warn you off from doing business with that broker.
Transport Reviews can be misleading, remember most of the so-called "5-Star Rated" brokers have many pages of zero-star customer complaints.
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