Promises but no delivery

Lauriette Submitted this review about Caviness Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 12/18/2007 1:45:00 PM
Please do not use Caviness Auto Carriers ever they are the most unprofessional people any body could deal with. At time when the order was placed I was told that my car would be picked on time and I had to pay $100 as a deposit from there the nightmare started I had to call like a million times to but would always hit the voice message (Jennifer). They never return your call nor reply to your emails or any type or means of communication.

Because of Caviness Auto Carriers I lost good Auto Carriers companies who would have got the job done. My take theses people are a rip off only interested in taking your deposit. I have lost my money please do not lose yours.

Company Response
Tammy Caviness from Caviness Auto Carriers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/18/2007 2:32:00 PM
Laura the frist date that your car came ready for shipping was yesterday 12/17/2007 we never commit to a date. The haulers can not do that they traviel alot of miles a day and have many customers per trip also port of entry in each state and that is not even talking about traffic.And you were told that when placeing your order that there is never any guarantee's on dates. And that is also stated in the Terms and Conditions page.#2 And we keep track of all email and phone calls and you were talked to everyday from the time you placed your order on 12/11/2007 also there were emails.And also # 11 states there is no refund after 72 hours after we start the search to locate a hauler. And you were emailed telling you we were going to refund 50.00 of your money any way. We work had to try and help everyone that places there orders with us and we have been in the trucking busness over 40 years so I gress we have been doing something right. Thank You