Ripped Off

Matt Wharton Submitted this review about Caviness Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 5/9/2005 4:14:00 PM
Car was brokered out to Caviness Auto Carriers threw Cross Country Auto Transport without my consent.
My car was then damaged during transit. They had ripped the front bumper completly off, hit the rear bumper with another car and scratched the entire roof and both sides. There was not one panel that arrived undamaged. Driver used SPRAY PAINT!!!! to try and hide damage! The most serious damage apparently took place when the trucker was
offloading cars and moving them around. Also he drove through
residential neighborhoods and low-hanging trees badly scratched the
paint. To cover up his mistakes, he forged damages on the shipping
documentation. It was very amateurish and easily spotted when
comparing the "destination" shipping document to the original
document. Even the Owner Tammy Cavaness couldnt believe that he tried to forge reciepts. She said that they would take care of it to send her all my documentation.
I have 4 rolls film of before shipping and after shipping pictures. I
sent 3 estimates for repairs and all pictures that were taken. They told me they had declared bankruptcy and that i was out of luck to get inline with all the other people who had damaged property.