Castle-only broker to get my car down to key west

Frederick C Submitted this review about Castle Luxury Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 10/17/2010 9:52:00 AM
castle really came through. i went to three other companies before i found castle. apparently not to many brokers can get people down to the keys. which i learned the hard way. i booked with castle not expecting the job to be done, at this point i was doing it for S*** and giggles, but to my grand surprise i booked one day and the next day i was being called by Nat that she found me a carrier and wasn't changing the price on me or telling me it was going to be a million dollars more. Nat did tell me Key west was dificult, and it would be $50 more or less depending on the demands of the trucker. No one else told me the truth like this. I was ready to pay it and expecting much more as long as i got my mustang there. But Nat did her job and apparently it wasn't necessary. The trucker was found the next day versus all the other little companies three weeks with still no trucker.

These guys really came through for me. Next time I move with my company I'll be calling up Patrick and Nat. Thanks Castle!