Both good and bad.

Timothy Kleinschmidt Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 5/26/2010 9:19:00 PM
I chose Cascade because everyone on the phone seemed friendly and professional and they had an excellent review on Transport Once things got rolling all went very smoothly and the persons who actually drove the truck were very professional and helpful. The bad part was it took nearly 4 weeks for Cascade to locate a truck for me to ship my car from Colorado to Wisconsin. When they did finally find a truck it cost me about $150 more than their quote. I had a lot of trouble early on with communication with Jeff. I would leave him emails and he would not get back to me. I would leave him phone messages and he would not get back to me. This was very frustrating the first couple weeks of this transaction. The reasons I was given for these problems were that my emails were being routed into the spam file. I have no way of knowing if that is true, so I guess I will have to take that answer.

Once Jeff told me he had a truck and I agreed to pay another $150 things went quickly and smoothly. My car is home and arrived undamaged.

Bottom line: Cascade can get the job done for you, but don't count on the low quote price holding up. Good luck.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/28/2010 7:06:00 PM
Tim I am sorry about the communication problem and the email issue. As you saw as soon as we got the emails fixed we did stay in contact. I know it did take a little longer to find a carrier for you because of the states you were coming from and going to. We were able to find a dependable driver to get your car to you safe which is goal. Jeff....360-834-7898,