Did not meet expectations.

Matthew Hendricks Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 3/26/2010 12:31:00 PM
I am in the military stationed in Alaska, trying to ship our second car from Maryland to Fairbanks. Our car is being stored with my In laws, and was looking for a company who would cause the least amount of hassle for my wife's parents. The initial quote and phone with Cascade went well. Kim was very friendly throughout the process, and we decided to go with Cascade because they said they would price match and they were willing to accept our shipping requests. After the money changed hands, we didn't hear from Cascade for five days. I finally called Kim back, telling her I was displeased with the lack of contact and that we were still waiting for our vehicle to be picked up. Kim didn't answer her phone (this would become a trend.) I had to call the main number on more than one occasion, and have them transfer me to her extension. After two conversations, we finally got a pick up date, but only after I expressed my displeasure in what I perceived as lax attitude in finding us a shipper. ( I was told that they were at the mercy of the trucking company, as if I should just accept the fact that they really couldn't fulfill their commitment.)We had a time set up for 25 Mar 10 between 6 and 7 pm. I had told Kim up front that the vehicle needed to be picked up after 4:30 during the week, or anytime, within reason, on the weekend so my in laws wouldn't have to take time off work. The driver called asking if he could pick the vehicle the next morning at 6:00 am. When told that we had requested evenings, his only other option was midnight. I called Kim back telling her the situation, and she said she would talk to the trucking company. She replied to me by E-MAIL stating exactly what I told her, that the truck would be coming in the morning. How that helped me, I am still trying to figure out. So the next morning, I wake up to find that our vehicle was not picked up again. I called Kim, but talked to her voice mail again. I called the main number, stating that I was no longer interested in Cascade's lack of service.They said Kim might be calling me later to learn from this experience. After terminating their services, the trucking company called saying they were going to pick up the vehicle at 2:00pm during the week. I had to call cascade back to ensure the truck did not try to pick up the vehicle, since no one would be there. When I called, I also asked about my payment getting refunded, and Kim stated that accounting was going to need to do some time to do some accounting thing, but no time line was given, so I am still waiting for them to unfreeze my credit card for the balance. Hopefully, this an isolated incident. In this economy, however, I thought people would try a little more to ensure customer satisfaction.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/26/2010 1:00:00 PM
Matthew, I am sorry if you feel your experience was not as you expected. I remained in contact with you by email and phone. I told you it may take a few days to find a carrier. It is also harder to find a carrier when everything is paid upfront which is what you wanted to do. It state in our terms and conditions: The normal pickup timeframe is 1 to 10 business days. Pickup and delivery dates are contingent upon carrier availability and season. All dates and times given are an approximation. We cannot guarantee exact dates or times of when the vehicle will be picked up or delivered. Carriers may be subject to delays. Cascade Vehicle Shipping, Inc. will not be held responsible for any expense related to a delay (car rental fees, storage fees, accommodation fees, etc.) We were still within that time frame. I found you a carrier. I never once said that we couldn't fulfill our committment. A carrier was assigned with an estimated date of the 25th. The trucking company had a little delay and they were to pick up the vehicle on the 26th. Pick ups are an estimate not a specific time as it states above in our terms and conditions. When the carrier called to pick up the vehicle, they were told that you would not release to them. The trucking company was trying to work something out with you to accomodate the timing but was told again that you would not release to them that you had double booked your transport with another company. As soon as I heard about this problem this morning I immediately informed dispatch to begin resolving the problem. About the payment issue, as I stated on the phone we use a revolving account, so the refund will take time. In the state of Washington we have up to 90 days to issue the refund. We will get resolved as quickly as we can. Again we are sorry that we did not meet your expectations. Kimberly 360-718-8484 Kimberly@Cascadevehicleshipping.com http://www.cascadevehicleshipping.com/Content/local/Portland/Kimberly.aspx