transportation from remote area, winter time

Jeon Lee Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 1/29/2010 11:02:00 AM
We are living a small city in Upper Peninsular, Michigan. We contacted many brokers to arrange this transportation and chose one which is located same destination. First time, they promised to pick up on time which can not be arranged by them, but it was up to truckers. On January there was bad weathers, no truckers wanted to come my area with the original transport cost. Meanwhile many others still called for this transportation and they wanted to increase the transport cost to pick up on time. Time passed as 20 days later, we needed a car urgently at destination area. So we had to increase the cost 50% more and there was one trucker who came finally here and delivered my car to Vancouver, WA.
I just said that if you leave a remote area and winter time; make arrange in advance more than 1 month earlier. It is done by truckers not by a broker. So don’t trust the broker’s saying 100%.
Anyway I am appreciating my broker who arranges this transportation. They are very kind and patient with us.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/29/2010 9:50:00 PM
Hi Jeon, Thank you so much for your great review. I am so very sorry it took a little longer than we anticipated to pick up your vehicle but we got it done. I absolutely agree with you to watch out for companies that try to GUARANTEE a shipping date because its just not possible. I know you had to learn that the hard way as some people do when you tried other brokers for this move. If you ever need anything in the future please please give me a call. I really enjoyed working with you and your wife and I wish you all the good luck in your new home. ~Nicole~