Monica was great!

Charles H. Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 2/26/2009 1:42:00 PM
Initially I had planned to go down to Texas and pick this Lexus LS400 up myself after buying it on the Internet, but some changes to my work schedule meant I had to have it shipped instead. Before I started looking, I had braced myself for a charge of $1000+ and a wait of a few weeks - was I ever happy to hear from Monica who told me the tab would be $534 and that the car could be picked up with very little delay!

The car ended up being picked up the next day (I'd have been happy with anytime that week, to be honest) and delivered 4 days later. I checked off "dirty" in the interest of being completely honest, but I'm not holding that against them; this happened during a massive snow and ice storm, and I knew there'd be plenty of salt and road dirt. I offered to meet the truck crew at any convenient location in my general area, in the interest of not forcing them to navigate an icy residential area after dark, but they (Octavius and his partner) brought their 55 foot truck closer to my home than I would have thought possible.

Kudos to Cascade for one other thing, by the way. If you've browsed through some different companies here on Transport Reviews, you'll notice that some of them respond to negative feedback by posting full names, locations, and sometimes other personal information in an effort to intimidate unsatisfied customers into removing their feedback. Cascade doesn't do that. I had already decided I would not patronize any business that engaged in such tactics, and would encourage other customers to do likewise. Anyway, that's how I first came to get a quote from Cascade - and I'm sure glad I did. Thanks Monica, two thumbs up!