1955 Ford Pick-up nearly coast-to-coast

Dave Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 9/21/2008 3:24:00 PM
We were looking to move a Ford F-100 Pick-up from Bellingham, WA up above Seattle to western NY. The truck had been in my wife's family since her grandfather bought it new in in 1955. It had passed to her father and now he was giving it to her so we could restore it for our son, who is currently serving in Afghanistan. We ran into a slight hiccup that was our fault during our first attempt to get the truck back here. When the driver arrived it was decided that the brakes were questionable and Cascade would not risk handling the vehicle. Although at first disappointed, we appreciated Cascade's decision. When next my wife prepared to go visit her Dad, she called Kim at Cascade, told her the dates she would be there, that she was having the brakes fixed, and to try to arrange a transport. Even though my wife was only out there for one week, Kim made arrangements to have it picked-up within a couple of days. The vehicle was picked-up the day my wife left her Dad's place and it arrived at our place five days later in the same condition it was in when it was put in the trailer. Yeah, "in" the trailer. While we had not requested an enclosed trailer, that was what was available and Cascade did not charge extra because of it. We don't know if we'll ever have a reason to move another vehicle 3,000 miles, but if so we would definitely use Cascade and we recommend them to anybody looking for quality, friendly service, and in our opinion, a more than reasonable cost.