Flawless Vehicle Shipping

Kathy K Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 9/5/2008 2:59:00 PM
I arranged for my shipping in early August and was contacted by Novella on the first day my vehicle was available for shipping. I was informed that the price had increased $75 at that point and may increase further to get a driver to accept shipment of my vehicle. The increase in price didn't really surprise me, but she said this should have been explained to me up front when in fact it was not. Not a big concern to me. Overall, the price went $110 from the initial estimate.

Novella gave me contact information for the driver, so I called him and arranged pick up date and time. The driver, Daniel Iancu, and I had to change pick up time from the evening to the following morning due to him being held up in NYC. I was quite flexible and the morning actually worked better for me. The driver was there around 7am with his co-worker. We did a review of my vehicle and I was afraid I was going to have to drive my car to the place they had parked their rig, but with two of them, they drove my car and their own to their truck. Perfect! They told me they would be in California either Tuesday or Wednesday the following week (they picked up my car on Thursday). I thought that schedule was a little aggressive, but they made it to California Tuesday morning.

I had friends receive my vehicle for me in California. Thankfully I did that because if I had to be in California to receive my car with only 5 days of shipping, I doubt that would have happened. So, something to think about when shipping your vehicle. Daniel, the driver, contacted me the day before delivery and said he would be arriving in San Diego the next day and would like to deliver between 7-9am. I talked with my friends and they had already talked with Daniel at that point and coordinated the delivery time. My friends said that my car arrived in perfect conditio, and that the driver and his co-worker were extremely nice.

All in all, my experience was wonderful. Cascade did a great job and I was highly impressed with Daniel, the driver, and his co-worker. I would definitely try to get this same driver again, if at all possible, and would use Cascade again for another car shipment.