Very pleased with Brandi at Cascade

Daphne Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 9/3/2008 2:39:00 PM
I used some sort of on-line service that promised quotes from several transport companies within a short time frame. Some I have yet to hear from (quotes were requested in June and this is now September), and others phoned me several times a day even when I told them I would be using another service. But, from the moment I received my first phone call and email from Brandi at Cascade until the car was delivered, the experience was a painless one due to her courteous and competent service. Even when my pick-up date changed, Brandi was very understanding and accomodating. She by far quoted a better rate than the other carriers and the car arrived 4 days earlier than quoted. I will definitely continue to share my experience with Cascade and Brandi with those wanting to have vehicles transported.