I had a very difficult time, but Cascade was able to pull through

Damon Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 8/27/2008 2:06:00 PM
I had been sent to GA in February, and had my car shipped down by Express Auto Transport. THAT was a nightmare. They were 2 weeks late and constantly lied to me about where my car was at, and even said that the car was delivered when it wasn't.

When it was time to go back to Seattle, I called Cascade, and they put a bid in. The company that came back was Express. I told Novella of my terrible experience with them in Feb, and she was on them the whole time to get the dispatch right. As what I can only think is usual for Express, they lied again, and delayed several times in two days. I was in my capstone training for an Army course and could not wait outside the gate for Express to show up, especially when they kept missing their times. On the day they were to pick up the car, after being late, I had to leave and go back to the base. We cancelled the contract with Express, and Novella went to work to find another carrier with 3 business days to get one.

She was able to do so, and had Dante's come and pick up my car. Literally it was at the last minute, as I would have had to turn my plane ticket in and drive back from GA to WA.

Novella was able to get a trustworthy and reliable carrier at the last minute and for the trouble that Express put me through, they have been blacklisted from Cascade.