If you are looking for a transport company, dont look any further than Cascade..call Kim!

Kelly Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 8/20/2008 5:22:00 PM
Due to coordination problems on my end it took me months to get things ready but Kim was always patient and ready when I was, I found her to be extremely helpful and made the process completely painless. Note: I live overseas and arranged this completely via email except for one call to make the payment.

Prices quoted were competitive and the car was picked up very quickly and delivered just as quickly.

Kim was very personable, professional and handled everything smoothly and easily for us, I would contact her again without question.

I had originally reviewed this site while looking for a transport company and ultimately chose Cascade because of the number of positive comments; this company is skilled at what they do and I would highly recommend you start with them first.

I've shipped this same car a few times and others in the past and have never gone back to the same transport company yet, usually they are pushy and will say anything to get their hands on the car and then you are stuck waiting. Cascade delivers what they promise and offers outstanding customer service at the same time. If I have to ship this or any other car in the future, I won't even think twice of where to start and will call Kim!!