
Tim Scherb Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 8/13/2008 8:22:00 PM
Cascade underestimated the quote and had to raise it $100 after 2 weeks in order to attract a trucking company at this busy time of year, from $1155 to $1255. Maybe the low quote would have worked during a slower time of year. Fortunately I did not have a hard deadline, but it was disappointing that the vehicle was picked up 2 weeks after the due date. Once the trucking company got it, things were better. Very nice driver, got it here in only 4 days. Car was fine, just needed a wash, as you would expect from being on an open truck for several days. The truck company (Coastal Express out of Chazy, NY) was great. There was a glitch in that the driver lost the key (fortunately the seller mailed the spare along with the title, so by the time the car got here I had a key), but the trucking company readily deducted the cost of the new key (an expensive one, too) from my cost. They did this up-front, with no hassles. As I said the trucking company was really nice to deal with. On the other hand, it seemed that Cascade barely knew what they were doing: couldn't find the original quote, odd hours, underestimated the cost, badly missed on the timing, emailed me a week after the car arrived to say congratulations your car has arrived... didn't give me confidence. Having said all that, I would consider using them again, as they met my expectations (which were pretty low from all I had read about the shipping brokerage business), and the car did get here eventually. They just seem to tighten up the office procedures.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/13/2008 8:34:00 PM
Tim, We are sorry that your experience wasn't a positive one. We at Cascade made sure that the truck was in communication with you about the lost key. We are the ones that suggested that they pay for it. As for our hours, they are listed on the front page of our website, and during business hours we are always open there to help a customer. Again we apologize for the experience you had and hope that the next time you ship a vehicle, you will give Cascade another chance to exceed your expectations, rather than disappoint.