My Hybrid SUV's Journey to Kauai,HI

Carol A. Peacock-Williams Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 8/13/2008 3:18:00 AM
My shipping experience was very good during a hard time of purging and letting go. I was thrilled that my SUV got to Long Beach, Calif. early thus got on the boat on time and only took a week to make it to Honolulu. Then I was told my SUV had to wait for the next barge to Kauai,Hi which could take another two weeks or so(depending on what was in line ahead of my SUV), but it beat me to the Garden Island by 9 days! My flight did not come in untill 4pm with the docks closing at 3:30pm on a Friday. By Monday I was able to catch a ride to Dock 2 and found, then picked up my "baby" so much easier than I ever dreamed with no storage fees or recently inforced taxes. As I was driving a slightly dusty vehical out of the dock warehouse, I got a call on my cell phone asking me if everything went ok. With such a good experience, my husband will be shipping his car the same way next month.