'06 Land Rover LR3

Bernard Campa Submitted this review about Cascade Vehicle Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 2/16/2008 3:28:00 AM
Very pleased with the service I recieved from Kimberly @ Cascade Vehicle Shipping. She was very helpfull and honestly addressed all of my concerns and or requests regarding the actual transportation of the vehicle which I had just bought from a dealer in New York.

My vehicle was virtually new as it had 3700 miles on it and I had a hard time choosing a broker to trust as I had never shipped a car before and all the brokers appear great when you recieve their quotes. It's only after doing a lot of research that you can feel comfortable about choosing one. I am thankfull that I came across this site and was able to do a lot more due diligence on all of them. Cascade has a good reputation on this site and they did not disapoint me in any way. If I ever ship another vehicle again I will gladly use the services of Kimberly and CVS.

Special thanks to Wan and Jim of Harwell Auto Transport who actually drove through the night to deliver my vehicle to me early on the Friday so that I could bring the car across the border that day instead of delivering it on the Saturday as had been promised originally. (USA customs only allows export of vehicles Mon-Fri 8:00am - 3:30pm) The original delivery date would have required me to store the vehicle over the weekend and then make another trip across the border to pick it up and export it home. Though the guys were late in picking up the vehicle (by 3 days) due to truck and other problems, they overcame brutal road conditions and still managed to deliver it one day early. Awesome job!!