Excellent work

Moy Basu Submitted this review about Car Shipper USA LLC
Review made Live: 9/16/2010 3:56:00 PM
I contacted Glen on an evening during Labor day weekend and he took the time (he mentioned he had company) to talk to me and asking me to fill out an order on his website. I did that and next morning I found his response that he is working on it. When I called him later in the morning he told me he has located a mover, and gave me a two day window for pick up. Car was picked up on a Friday night the same week. Promised delivery cross country was the following Wednesday but it arrived a day earlier. The driver was however fairly rude and told my daughter (who the car was to be delivered in Philadelphia) that she had to come to Delaware to pick up the car. He then said that he will deliver to Philadelphia for an extra $100. I contacted Glen in the evening to tell him what was going on. He assured me he will straighten this out. He spoke with my daughter to get all the details and told her not to pay a penny more than the contracted amount. He also asked my daughter to call him if driver was giving her hard time. Finally, the driver delivered the car in Philadelphia at the agreed price thanks to Glen's intervention.

Glen was great throughout the process, was available any time (holiday, evening) I called, very courteous, respectful and took care of all problems with the driver. Other than having a rude driver, at the end everything worked out. I will use Glen again and recommend him to my friends.