Delivery of SUV

Randy Submitted this review about Car Shipper USA LLC
Review made Live: 12/20/2009 11:49:00 PM
I purchased a SUV at an auction and had to have it shipped off the auction site in one week or I would incur storage fees. I purchase a vehicle which was running and in alleged good condition. When I called Car Shipper USA, LLC I was greeted by the owner Glen who informed me that he was very knowledgable about the auto shipping business and that he was different than most other companies because of how well he knew the business and how he would work with a client during the shipping transaction. He stated that he did not over-charge for shipping vehicles. I immediately told him my situation and that I need the vehicle shipped within one week (7 days) or I would incur storage fees. I asked him if this would be a problem and he stated no. I was told that it would cost me a total of $600.00 for the shipping.

After a couple of days had passed I received a phone call from Glen informing me that he did not have any taker as of yet and he started asking me questions about the car. He then told me that if I wanted the car to move that I would need to give him an additional $50.00. I told him that I was quoted $600.00 and he told me that $650.00 was still a good price and that no one else would ship it for that low of a price. I told him that I infact had other companies who had quoted me that price however he just tried to convence me that they would not have been as good as his company. Later that same day or the next day he contacted me and told me that he had found a driver and that it would be shipped out the next morning. I submitted a payment for his deposit through Paypal and he told me to pay his Paypal fees for the the transaction. The next morning I received contact from Glen and he informed me that my vehicle would not be shipped out because the driver failed to show-up. He again told me that I needed to give him an extra $50.00 to get another driver. I again told him that he had quoted me a price of $600.00 to ship my vehicle and now I was expected to pay him a total of $700.00. He informed me that he was the best shipper in the business and that no one else would ship my vehicle for that price and that $600.00 figure he earlier gave me was "only" a quote and NOT binding. Needless to say I was not happy with the response however because we were on day five or six before I would start incurring additional storage fees, I had no choice but to submit to the additional fees. It should be noted that Glen's statement is absolutely false, his quoted price of $600.00 was a binding contract and agreement. Glen did not know that I am an attorney and I know the law better than he.

On the seventh day I received communication from Glen that he found a driver and my vehicle would be picked up on the eighth day. I would incur one day of storage fees. The vehicle was picked up and delivered to me within two days. I must say that Glen did communicate with me well during the transaction. I am extremely upset that I had to pay more than the agreed amount. Glen knew exactly what had to moved, the location and the time period PRIOR to submitting the $600 quote. For him to increase the price $100.00 is absolutely wrong and a very bad business practice. If he underbid the price he should have eaten the costs and not put it on the customer. He knew I was in a situation where I could not go to another carrier without incurring monetary costs. He knew I was trapped into using him and took advantage of the situation. I could have gone with someone else who bid lower than the $700 and gotten the vehicle to me on time if I would have known that I would have to pay $700. Glens excuses were unprofessional and unnecessary.

I am not completely unhappy with the transaction because Glen did work/communicate with me during the process and he did eventually get a driver. I know things happen but what I do expect is honesty and one who stands by an agreement or contract even if it means he has to take a loss. The matter was agreed on by a particular price and to change the terms of the contract in the middle of the transaction is not only a breach of that contract but it also leaves a bad taste of mistrust in the mouth of the one who was taken advantaged. It was a bad customer service move. For that reason alone, I cannot say that I would recommend Car Shipper USA, LLC to anyone. If Glen would do it to me he would also do it to another person.