Stolen Refund

Leonard Riddick Submitted this review about Car On A Truck
Review made Live: 9/7/2007 7:15:00 PM
I fear a minor violation such as a parking ticket. I am beside myself that a company can so openly violete the ethics of honest business. Three months ago we hired this company to transport our car from Everett Washington to Summerville South Carolina. After reading up on this company we included that we did not want to use there services , but we are already sent in the $250 deposit. After our cancellation request we were informed that a $100 would be would held, and that a $150 would be refunded with in 7 to 10 business days.

After numerous emails and 3 months we are still yet to see our money. To whom it may concern, DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. They are dishonest, unprofessional, and they lack business ethics. I can not understand how they remain in business.