Charge on my credit card without my knowleadge or consent-READ!

R Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 9/2/2008 10:37:00 PM
Sign of a company hurting for money-charging credit cards without cardholder's consent. Read the other reviews after mine. Didn't provide service within time frame. Wanted hundreds more on the very last day of the contract. Very unprofessional language and demeanor-Anthony-owner of the company. He will promise you that he will refund your deposit for not fullfilling the contract,but he won't (again,read the other reviews) He will state that he already sent you an email regarding the refund-it will never come-the email or the refund. Almost 2 mos. later-the deposit was never refunded AND my credit card was charged again without my knowleadge or consent. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!