No returned calls - Upped amount

Marc Submitted this review about Car Movers USA
Review made Live: 8/11/2008 2:10:00 AM
On a Friday I was quoted $950 to ship a car I purchaed on eBay by Liz who was very nice and personable. She took an up-front $150 credit card deposit (broker fee) and I was to pay the driver $800 cash/cashiers check upon delivery. The next week (Tuesday) I called for an update and was referred by Liz to the dispatch desk (she said to talk to Chris and gave me his direct line). I got a nice message that I should leave a name/number and they would get back to me very soon, but I never got called back. During the week I left 3 Voice-messages (1 per day) and none was returned. I called Liz back on Friday to complain and she returned my call on Saturday, but missed me. The message said they were working on it and might have more info on Monday/Tuesday. Due to the non-responsiveness to the dispatchers, I did some checking and found this site. I was disappointed to see they only had 2 stars but now I understood why. I decided to pull my contract - my contract says deposit is refundable as long as they haven't booked to truck (I'll report back on whether I get my refund) - and I hired a 5 star off this site. The new shipper found my shipping request posted by CarMoversUSA posted and told me it was posted at $900, not $800. CarMoversUSA had never asked me if they could raise the price, and I suspect on Monday or Tuesday I would have gotten a call saying the trucker is demanding more money.