No Reimbursement after Cancellation

Linnea Linderman Submitted this review about Capitol Transport & Logistics Inc.
Review made Live: 5/3/2012 12:24:00 PM
I placed a transport order in mid July 2011 and cancelled it within half an hour. My credit card was charged their $155 fee. I was told that it would be refunded when I cancelled the delivery. Despite many, approximately 25, phone calls over the 6 months since then and faxed credit card receipt of the transaction, the company has failed to refund my deposit. Be advised that the company is dishonest. I cancelled the transport because I realized that I had confused Capital Transport and Logistics which had a bad rating with Capital Auto which had a good rating. The salesman was rude when I cancelled it and insisted that I was cancelling because I got a cheaper deal elsewhere. In fact the company I used cost more.

Company Response
Mike from Capitol Transport & Logistics Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/3/2012 12:38:00 PM
This Order was dispatched four times customer never responded each time. After months the customer called back and said she had it taken care of already. As per our and most company's policy once we get you a driver and dispatch the vehicle we no longer refund deposits. If you feel this was not your case please feel free to call me 1-866-346-4322 and we can discuss this. Thanks