Capitol Auto Transport, Dakota & Alen Trucking

Larry Submitted this review about Capitol Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/11/2010 8:31:00 AM
I spent a significant amount of time researching this. In the end my instincts told me to go with Dakota at Capitol Auto Transport. Shortly after we came to terms, he called me back and said that his best carrier bid my transport, but that he required $50 more than what Dakota and I agreed to. Dakota said that he would be willing to split the $50 with me. At first, I was hesitant and not happy. But, after talking to my wife and wanting to be done with the transport, I decided to agree. I am glad that I did. The driver was great! He was on time, he communicated, and he even let my family put some personal items in the car for me as well. I could not be happier with my experience with Dakota and the carrier, Alen Trucking. They were all great.