Ok Broker but bad carriers they work with

Jeanette Submitted this review about Capitol Auto Transport
Review made Live: 3/7/2012 6:58:00 PM
I recently relocated to Los Angeles area and I used this company to handle my shipping arrangements. Dakota and Andy were very informative and I was very satisfied with their customer service but the carrier they set me up with was horrible. I felt that they didnt take enough initiative in the end to help me with my car shipment. They just sord of let this company provide crappy service since they had gotten their fee accounted for already. I requested an enclosed carrier to ship my car from Miami to LA. LSH Express was what they recommended, I thought they were pricey but I figured they would be a good carrier considering they transported with enclosed trucks. Well the whole thing was a nightmare, they never gave prior notice of picking up my car they just showed up at my house at 10:30pm and disturbed the whole neighborhood while loading my car. But then the worse part was their drop off. The owner of LSH Leo is a complete jerk!They were a week past the date I was told of delivery and this guy Leo would actually get upset when I would call to ask on the status of my car. He proceeded to lie everyday he would tell me that the next day it would be delivered. Finally when I confronted him about their bad service he proceeded to curse at me and told me he could do whatever he wanted and that I had to deal with it. I asked for a discount and he refused to honor it the day the driver finally showed up. When the driver came to deliver my car it was 7:15am on a saturday when I got the phone call from him!!! Another great time to do business, I rushed to meet him at the location and he was 2 hrs late!!! Bottom line is these people are scammers!!! Never use them, while I waited for them to unload my car, I witnessed with my own eyes how they scratched two brand new Porsches that were being transported in the same truck, it was frightning to watch how they didnt take care of peoples properties.

Company Response
Cat Kraus from Capitol Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/8/2012 1:26:00 PM
WOW...Unbelievable. Jeanette is a genuine client of ours and a very nice lady. Here are some facts: 1. Jeanette never mentioned we transported her Boyfriends car the week before and she was very happy with how things went and booked us for her move. Presumable a 5 star rating for that job is imminent? 2.LSH has done 5 previous jobs for us with no incident. They are a 98.9% rated company. This is the reason we hired them. 3.Pick up: AFTER the carrier was assigned the client couldn't meet them when they wanted and asked them to pick her up after 7pm only.. The carrier went to pick up another client instead and did indeed get back to Jeanette at 10:30pm, not their fault they were trying to accommodate the clients late change of availability. 4.The truck broke down The carrier failed to call anyone to tell them( us included) they were 5 days late on their delivery. Jeanette is right to be mad about this. One simple phone call would have eliminated a lot of stress for everyone. 5.The vehicle was delivered early in the morning as Jeanette CHOSE not to receive the car the night before. 6.You can't complain because the car is 5 days late and in the next breath complain they are delivering too early! 7.The week of the delay I personally spoke to Jeanette at least 4 times to resolve the terrible communication from the carrier. She also spoke to Dakota at least twice this week and called him on the Saturday of delivery. Both Dakota called her back after speaking to the carrier and she wouldn't answer our calls. 8. The carrier agreed a $100 discount to alleviate some of the tension as a gesture of good faith. On delivery Jeanette told the driver she was only paying him $700 (not $1100) and an argument ensued.(This is when she called Capitol) 9.The carrier called me as well to explain the incident and asked me to call the client to explain why she needed to pay the $1100. 10.Without getting into a "he said , she said" scenario, the boyfriend allegedly cursed at the owner of LSH on the phone as well. - hard to really know who said what to whom etc. Sorry about the lengthy response but I'm annoyed that after all our calls, getting the carrier to agree to a discount and always answering and returning her calls we are painted as "took the money and run" simply not so. Cheers!