Would never ever use this company again! Even if that meant selling my car.

Megan Submitted this review about CXTransport Services
Review made Live: 9/20/2010 11:25:00 AM
Do not use this company if you don't want to get treated like garbage and have to terms of your agreement turned around. I have never been treated this way by a company and I have shipped my car cross country multiple times, and will continue to do so with other companies. There billing system is unclear and I was NEVER once told that I would have to pay a balance of $825.00 (which was a part of the initial agreed amount) upon arrival in cash. That was never communicated and I had earlier in the process received what looked like a receipt saying that I had payed. So when I was told by a third party that I still owed $825.00 I was shocked and without a car to go pick up a massive amount of cash. I call the company and get screamed at a hung up on. That is not how you do good business Bill. This was the last problem that I had with the company but far from the first. I had excuses about the associate working my was out of the office and that she could not work on my case. I don't care about your excuses and they are all of a waste of time. Just do your job and if you have to go out of town with is fine pass the work onto someone else, don't just let it sit there and not notify the people of the fact that no one is going to be working on getting your car shipped.

I have shipped my car with other companies cross country and I have never been treated this way nor have I had to spend as much time dealing with this company's problems. Just do the job you were contracted to do. If you hear of people trying to use this company please let me story to be an example to problems that you do not want to experience. You should not have to experience any of the trouble I have had. I have been screamed at and hung up on 100% satisfaction guaranteed is bull and this company is run by trash.

Company Response
Bill Johnson from CXTransport Services Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/22/2010 10:00:00 AM
Wow, this confirms what my entire office staff has been thinking since we first took this lady’s deposit and started working on transporting her car ….. in my opinion this lady is definitely bi-polar.. Her car transport went well, as she told us numerous times … however, she didn’t do so good …. She would call … and scream … and then apologize and cry, …. and then talk softly wanting to be a nice person ….. and then start screaming again … WOW .. talk about weird … We utilize a commonly known software company to manage our orders and leads ….it automatically sends out emails to our customers telling them of each step in the process and explaining the costs and how payments to the drivers are to be handled … upon receipt of hers (about 3 days before the car arrived) she called and wanted further clarification … first screaming …. then crying …. and then claiming to understand … Upon receipt of a phone call from the driver that he was about an hour away and had reminded her that she had a balance and that it would need to be paid with cash or a cashiers check as she had previously been advised … she then screamed an swore at him and started crying.. He called us and advised us that she had told him she wouldn’t pay him … and he was going to have to place her car in storage …. During the next 5 phone calls with her … she screamed … cried …. and then admitted she understood but didn’t WANT to have to pay him with cash or cashiers check … The transport process went well … the time element was observed and honored … her car was safely and quickly picked up and delivered …. The only problem is that this lady seems to have some real personal problems that get in the way of her good days… All four of the personnel in our office spoke with her on numerous occasions and had exactly the same experiences with her …. Some even went so far as to tell her they would hang up on her if she persisted in screaming and ranting at them … all to no avail. We wish her the best ….. elsewhere …