good experience

rob infante Submitted this review about Bullseye Auto Transport
Review made Live: 4/7/2005 11:32:00 PM
I originally tried to ship with someone else, but they made a mess of it. After two weeks they sent a truck that couldn't handle my vehicle, with a driver that didn't know where he was dropping off, had language problems, and had to take my truck off at the first weigh station and have it towed back to the starting place with a commercial tow truck. Then they wanted me to wait another 3 weeks for another truck. maybe.

So, I wasn't feeling too positive about the whole shipping experience when I called Bullseye, but as bad as that first experience was, my experience with Bullseye was perfect. Carla took the time to explain how the industry works, and was very helpful answering questions. The very next day she called me to tell me a truck was lined up, and they came when they were supposed to and dropped off when they said they would.

So, I got a good rate (1100, vs. 1300-1700 most everyone else was quoting), and the follow up, both with phone calls and emails, was excellent. Highly recommended.